[College Hill Topeka] Fwd: CHNA Meeting 7 p.m., Monday, March 20 at Westminster
Katrina Shaw
katkake1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 20 06:35:34 CDT 2023
Join us tonight for the CHNA round table!!
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Christi Stewart <christiastewart at sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 12:08 PM
Subject: CHNA Meeting 7 p.m., Monday, March 20 at Westminster
To: Carol Christensen <carolc1610 at gmail.com>, Duane & Debbie Pomeroy <
ddpomeroy at cox.net>, Shawn Stewart <shawnlstewart at yahoo.com>, Jasmine
Puderbaugh <jasmine.puderbaugh at gmail.com>, Andy Fry <farmerfry at gmail.com>,
Katrina Shaw <katkake1 at gmail.com>, Erin Snethen <erinsnethen at gmail.com>,
Zach Snethen <zachsnethen at gmail.com>, Brett Martin <brettj.martin at gmail.com>,
Tom Luellen <tluellen51 at gmail.com>, Christi Stewart <
christiastewart at sbcglobal.net>, CELIA DANIELS <kscousin at sbcglobal.net>, SUE
BOLLEY <abclady at aol.com>, Nancy Cottril <necottril at juno.com>, SUSAN DUFFY <
skduffy at cox.net>, Jenny & Steve Bergstrom <bergieks at sbcglobal.net>, Sue
Fackler <suefackler5 at gmail.com>, Brian Adams <brian at drinksodaworks.com>,
Elizabeth Krumins <eakrumins at gmail.com>, James Stamper <
jameskstamper at gmail.com>, Tricia <tricia.waggoner at sbcglobal.net>, Karl
Fundenberger <karl.fundenberger at gmail.com>, Tobias Schlingensiepen <
tobiasschlingensiepen at yahoo.com>, Sara Okeeffe <sara.okeeffe at gmail.com>,
emblem at peodsm.org <emblem at peodsm.org>, Ben Alford <benjamen.alford at gmail.com>,
Ardith Smith-Woertz <awoertz at josephhollander.com>, Gailkennedy Gailkennedy <
gailkennedy at cox.net>, Manny Herron <manny at infinitepropertiesgroup.com>,
Michelle DURKES <michelle.durkes at yahoo.com>, Bethanie Popejoy <
bethaniepopejoy at icloud.com>, Ann Buckland <abucklan at stormontvail.org>,
Ardith Woertz <arswoertz at gmail.com>, Christensen John <
john.christensen at washburn.edu>, Emmett Hull <edh.bigkee at gmail.com>, Eric
Kjorlie <eric.kjorlielaw at gmail.com>, Meredith Fry <meredith.m.fry at gmail.com>,
Caryl Hines <chines9055 at cox.net>, Diane Pomeroy <dipomeroy.dp at gmail.com>,
Charlotte Bates Bates <batzfam at cox.net>, Abby Schlingensiepen <
abby.schlingensiepen at gmail.com>, Charlotte Adair <cadair47 at gmail.com>, Deb
GUTIERREZ <debgutierrez2 at sbcglobal.net>, Delores Smith <
dsmith66604 at yahoo.com>, Mary Jayne Hellebust <mjhellebust at grsbooks.com>,
Jennifer Pacioianu <mjpac12 at yahoo.com>, Marilynn Ault <marilynnault at mac.com>,
Jane Dunford-Shore <jeds1708 at gmail.com>, Marj Murray <rmurray2 at cox.net>,
Sharon Read <smzread at gmail.com>, Carol Albott <cralbott at yahoo.com>, Beverly
Law <blaw60 at hotmail.com>, Wanda Bonnel <bonnel at cox.net>, Sharon Read <
zimmer_read at hotmail.com>, Jenith Hoover <robnjeni51 at gmail.com>, Maria Carr <
mariakcarr at sbcglobal.net>, Reverend Dr. Bruce Emmert <bruce.emmert at gmail.com>,
K.O. Noonoo <pastor at westminstertopeka.com>, Patricia Kane <
pmorgan379 at gmail.com>, Cletus Linenberger <cvlin45 at gmail.com>,
tdietrick82 at yahoo.com <tdietrick82 at yahoo.com>, Eric Kjorlie <
kjorlielaw at sbcglobal.net>, Hal Jensen <hljen57 at gmail.com>,
robnjeni51 at gamil.com <robnjeni51 at gamil.com>
Happy almost springtime, Neighbors!
It's time again for our CHNA meeting and it's tomorrow! Please plan to
attend. If you are unable to attend, but have a questions or comments,
please share with your CHNA board members. We hope to see you tomorrow
night. Attached, please find the meeting agenda and treasurer's report -
and the minutes from the January meeting.
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the CH Chili Cookoff in
February. We had a marvelous turnout, and it was so nice to visit with
Have you seen the beautiful gazebo in Boswell Park? At this meeting, we
plan to discuss a gazebo grand opening party in the park.
Fourth of July is approaching - Let's talk about changing the parade route.
We have a serious issue with the fees to rent the barricades to run the
parade along College and Jewell. We're considering all ideas to save $$ on
barricade rental and we're seriously in need of volunteers to help on July
4. If you have any thoughts on this, or would be willing to help, please
let us know.
We're also looking for a few new officers for the CHNA Board. Term starts
in September. If you are interested in a position in serving the best
neighborhood in Topeka, let us know.
Mark your calendars for our upcoming events:
April 1 - Recycling Saturday
April 8 - Easter egg hunt at Boswell Park - sponsored by Westminster
Presbyterian Church
April 20 - Night out on Boswell - hosted by Blooms on Boswell - featuring
food trucks and fabulous shopping.
April 29 - 8-11 a.m. - CHNA Fundraiser - Blossoms Plant Sale, silent
auction and delicious breakfast at Westminster Presbyterian
April 29 - Topeka High School Prom
Thank you for all you do for College Hill!
Christi Stewart
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