Meeting Minutes – November 2021

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Minutes:  November 15, 2021

Zoom Meeting

Attendees:  Christi Stewart (President), Carol Christensen (Vice President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Brett Martin (Secretary), Susan Duffy, Debbie Pomeroy, Duane Pomeroy, John Christensen, Erin Snethen, Kat Shaw, Ben Alford, Gail Kennedy, Laura Alford, Zach Snethen, Chris, Sara O’Keeffe, Karl Fundenberger, John Boyd (Guest from SNCO Parks and Recreation), Chris Curtis (SNCO Park Planner)

  1. Introductions 
  2. Boswell Park – John Boyd, Parks and Recreation
    • Several things in the works now including additional lighting and new fencing to replace existing (4’ black vinyl coated instead of 6’); new swings coming as well as part of a larger package for 22 parks; a dome climber doesn’t comply with current safety standards so it will be coming out; existing play rubber will be replaced with concrete accessed sidewalks with outlying benches on pads with picnic tables (for accessibility purposes)
    • There is an issue with the west brick path; take it out and make it another path; use the existing bricks into the east path
    • Natural play area among the trees on the east of the gazebo with sidewalk access to the east perimeter of the park; not sure what it will look like but could have mulch, wood, boulder climbing structures
    • Zach suggested dirt with mounds and replicate the berm and bushes area where kids already play which would be integrated among the trees; perhaps the neighborhood could add to it as the years go by
    • Chris Curtis verified that the fence bids will come back later this week
    • John suggested that there is dirt access at the zoo if we can decide on the berms for the natural play area
    • These are 2021 monies; $108,000 dedicated to Boswell Square Park (fence, lighting, gazebo, surfacing for playground equipment, possibly resurfacing the basketball court, benches and picnic tables
    • The lights will match the existing period lighting
    • The bids have been coming in a little higher than they have anticipated; the money allocated will be utilized quickly on these projects
    • The money has been allocated; there is some wiggle room if the bids come in high; lights were $30,000, and the budget was $25,000 or $27,000
    • John suggested that there is ARPA money that has not been allocated
    • Ben asked about power at the light poles; John suggested that the proposed gazebo would have lights and some outlets
    • Power could be available at the parking lot for a food truck
    • Gazebo
      • Christi shared that we have an existing wooden gazebo; the proposed structure would be much appreciated
      • John – the existing gazebo is small and weak; it can only hold 8-10 people; he has received enough feedback on the gazebo that they can keep it; if he were living in the neighborhood, he would want something that would hold 30-40 people for an event; he would call on an engineer to evaluate the gazebo and see if it is safe and useful
      • Zach – assume that this is our opportunity to make an improvement
      • John said there are over 110 parks; it will be 10-15 years before the opportunity comes around again
      • Ben asked if lighting and power could be integrated into the existing structure; John explained that it could; there’s not much opportunity for expansion; he would like to open the floor to see what is underneath the existing structure
      • Karl asked if we keep the wood one can we have the new structure; John said no. This is just a neighborhood park. The city overbuilt their parks and there is not much room to play. There are new standards what constitutes a neighborhood park, regional park, etc.
      • Susan shared that there is an emotional attachment to the structure; she also recognizes that our needs are changing; Susan asked how long we could have to make a decision; John shared that there are supply chain issues and that we would not receive the structure until July
      • viii.Zach shared photos of a potential structure that is not a typical square structure
      • Susan shared that the cupola on one of the structures reminded her the architectural detail on Randolph Elementary
      • John shared that the railing could be incorporated and that the CH logo could be incorporated in certain areas
      • Susan asked about keeping the trees; Zach said the intention would be to keep all the trees; Susan shared that The Nautilus Club has money to maybe do something for the wood gazebo
      • Susan asked about making a decision by December 15 to communicate to SNCO Parks & Recreation
      • xiii.Christi asked why we need to delay the vote; Susan said she could move the date to December 1
      • xiv.Ben made a motion to vote on the package
      • Carol asked for clarification on whether there could be two structures
      • xvi.Diane shared that though they were in favor of keeping the old gazebo, but are now convinced that we need to move forward with a new gazebo after seeing these designs; they like the blue one as well
      • xvii.Sara shared that in February of 2019 at the Chili Feed we ranked the top four priorities: natural play area, lighting, new shelter structure, gazebo improvements; she shared that she appreciated the planned improvements to the basketball court
      • xviii.Laura seconded the motion
      • xix.Susan shared that she spoke to Sue; she is not opposed to a new gazebo but would like to have the old one relocated somewhere in the park; she shared that it does not fall within the new guidelines for neighborhood parks; she shared that those who were rallying for support of the gazebo are members of the Nautilus Club
      • Sue shared that the bagpiper who lives across the street from the park on Boswell was concerned about a large structure in front of his house
      • xxi.Ben asked if the price included the concrete pad; John said it is turnkey; we will not know until the bid is received. Zach shared that if we go into the new year the price will increase 10-15%
      • xxii.Carol shared that she was in favor of the new gazebo but wants to inform people we are going to vote
      • xxiii.Susan shared that the vote needs to be transparent
      • xxiv.Ben said that his motion was to move forward with the park improvement package and gazebo and then later decide on the gazebo design
      • xxv.There was confusion on what was being decided or to be voted on right now
      • xxvi.Susan offered a friendly amendment to hold a special meeting of CHNA on November 22 at 7:00pm to discuss and vote on the gazebo with dimensions and details or vote to keep the existing gazebo
      • xxvii.John shared that he likes that we want to get everyone’s input; he does not want someone coming to a commission meeting accusing them of stealing their gazebo in the dark of night
      • xxviii.Zach has John’s email address if we have questions
      • xxix.Called for the question – the motion and amendment passed unanimously
      • xxx.There was discussion about whether the meeting needs to be in person, zoom, or hybrid; it was determined that we have an in-person meeting; people can vote via email before the meeting (one vote per household, include address and name on the email)
      • xxxi.There was discussion about how many and which images; Zach said he can collect a few images and say that we are voted on a gazebo that is in the spirit of the gazebos shown; he can present and talk through it with folks so that they are fully informed; he will use images and posters to share with the neighbors
      • xxxii.Susan shared that we need to share what can be done with the existing improvements
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    • Please see attached report for details
    • Brett moved to accept the report; Diane seconded. Treasurer’s report was approved
  4. Minutes
    • Susan moved; Ben seconded. Minutes were approved
  5. Recycling Drive
    • We made $86 on the most recent drive; the total is $14,000+ since 1990; next drive is December 11.
    • If we distribute a flyer, we can include the results of the vote on park improvements
  6. Old Business
    • After Mike shared on AirBnB’s, the house on Plass was denied because the house at 17th and MacVicar had been approved, so it was denied because it is within 500’. Diane can share where other AirBnB’s are within the neighborhood. Christi will share.
    • Chili Feed – do we have it? Christi asked whether or not we should have it
      • Ben shared that a food-sharing event wasn’t desirable
      • After the holidays, it will not be a good idea
    • Light bulb delivery is slow; they are supposed to be delivered to front porches, and we can share a flyer; there has been some conflicting information about whether we are to install
    • The house on Boswell seems to be quiet.
  7. New Business
  8. Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be January 17, 2022. The special meeting will be held on Monday, November 22 at 7:00pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Brett J. Martin 

Meeting Minutes – January 2022

College Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes:  January 24, 2022

Zoom Meeting

Attendees:  Christi Stewart (President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Brett Martin (Secretary), Dana Adams, Brian Adams, Kat Shaw, Andy Fry, Ardith Smith-Woertz, Kristi Eriksen (City of Topeka), Debbie Pomeroy, Sue Fackler, Zach Snethen, Carol Christensen (Vice-President), Commander Cassandra Caviness (TPD), John Christensen, Gail Kennedy

  1. Introductions 
    • Kristi Eriksen, City of Topeka traffic engineer
    • Commander Caviness, Topeka Police Department
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    • Tom shared the Treasurer’s report with balances. See as submitted
    • Report was approved
  3. Minutes from the November meeting
    • Minutes were approved
  4. Recycling drive – update by Carol Christensen 
    • December drive brought in $115.
  5. Cross walk at 15th and MacVicar – Andy Fry
    • Kristi looked at an enhanced crossing at 15th and MacVicar
    • There is currently a school speed zone and a crosswalk
    • They completed an investigation; there are many accidents from people running stop signs; they looked options and may potentially narrow 15th Street at MacVicar; Kristi shared a drawing of paint on the roadway (proposed bulbouts) on 15th to narrow the roadway at MacVicar to keep drivers from running the stop sign; she asked for questions
    • Kat shared that Theo walks to and from Randolph (from 15th and Mulvane west along 15th and crosses MacVicar). She observes that none of the traffic stops for people in the crosswalk on MacVicar.
    • Kristi asked Officer Caviness if there has been any enforcement there. She said this is the first she has heard of it. She will pass along to the motorcycle unit. If she knows times, she can join as well.
    • They are reserving lights for 4-5 lane arterial roadways. They have difficulty with drivers respecting them in those roadways.  She said they will continue the investigation. 
    • Andy said TPD did enforcement in August-September before the speed study. He would like to see longer term change in design for safety. There is a history among neighbors about seeking out solutions.
    • October 6 speed study (85% of traffic is traveling at 33mph or below). There are some outliers, but this indicates that there is not a design issue. This was taken outside of school time. They will work with law enforcement on making this an area of speed enforcement.
    • A discussion followed between Kristi and Andy related to potential solutions at this intersection
    • Commander Caviness said she will help with enforcement as much as possible; TPD receives many requests.
      • She shared crime stats for College Hill Neighborhood
        • Burglaries to houses – 3; Burglaries to vehicles – 4; 1 stolen vehicle; 1 assault; 1 DUI
        • Burglaries continue in the west side of town; keep cars clean and items out of plain view 
        • Andy asked about 1523 SW Washburn and if it had changed hands; Commander Caviness didn’t have additional information; she will follow up
        • 1419 Boswell resident has been in and out of incarceration; they are affiliated with an apartment in the area (15th and Mulvane – split into three apts); her unit is being stretched thin as they are losing officers to promotions
        • She shared her email; her work cell is 785.312.4037.
  6. Old Business and Updates
    • CHNA Stones – need volunteers and a plan to move the stones
      • A neighbor, Emmett, is interested. He is happy to help with relocation. Christensen’s have developed a map of where they could be relocated.
      • Carol said we might want some uniformity in placement; do they need a base? We need to ask for permission from homeowners to relocate them; do we need procedures for placing them and maintaining them?
      • Kat said we could talk to Lardner about bases and relocation
      • Zach shared that they need to be cleaned and repainted; Emmett is interested in getting them cleaned up and relocated
      • Christi will call Lardner to get a new bid; she will also distribute the map
    • Lightbulb distribution
      • This is a long-term distribution to do when people have time
    • Calendar for 2022 – Events to plan this spring and summer
      • Blossoms is being planned for April 30. Sue has reached out to Jackson’s, and they are willing to help again – some pots, baskets, herb plugs; she will reach out to Meredith for help as well
      • We need a 4th of July chair.
      • Do we want a clean up day? Kat will ask Ben. Zach will help
      • June for a potential time for a College Hill yard sale; looking at June 4-5
      • August 6, 2022 for National Night Out
      • Upcoming recycling dates – March 26, July 9
    • Neighborhood communications – newsletter, adding names to email list and increase readership on Facebook, bring back block captains or the calling tree….
      • Carol shared that Kat does a great job keeping us informed with FB, email, and Erin does a great job with the newsletter; we have talked about block captains; keep people informed; she suggested a communications plan – when to use flyers, when to use email, social media, etc. to communicate with neighbors about different events
      • Sue suggested putting together a calendar; she said some prefer having it written down; older residents don’t use social media
      • Kat is pessimistic; she said we send out a lot of information, and people are just busy; many don’t want to attend meetings or volunteer, but they do want to come to major events; she likes the idea of a calendar for communication
      • Carol will talk to Erin
    • Boswell Park improvements
      • The fence is in; Zach has communicated with John; he said he would get with Zach when he was ready; Zach will follow up as we would like the gazebo in by July 4
      • Andy shared that the slides have been replaced
      • Sue would like to push the bricks one more time; Tom said there were 15 being printed
    • Tragic fire at 15th and MacVicar
      • A 7-year-old boy, Alexander Cervantes, died in the fire; his grandmother and uncle survived; they plan to fix the house and sell it; they are living in south Topeka right now
      • The house did not have working smoke detectors; we shared information about the American Red Cross program
      • Kat shared the GoFundMe link to support the family
      • Brett moved that we donate $100 to the family; Sue second. Motion passed
    • Rentals and multi-family houses in College Hill
      • Christi asked for a status update on where we are on this issue
      • Carol shared that she was troubled by multi-family homes on her block
      • Debbie shared that nothing has happened with the house on Boswell that was purchased; the owners applied to be an Airbnb; there are three houses on her block
      • Discussion continued regarding Potwin and other neighborhoods
  7. New Business
  8. Our next meeting is 7 p.m., Monday, March 21, 2022. We will meet at Westminster Church or on Zoom.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Brett J. Martin 

Meeting Minutes – May 2021

Attendees:  Christi Stewart (President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Brett Martin (Secretary), Gail Kennedy, Brian Adams, Dana Adams, Debra Stufflebean, Sue Fackler, K.O. Noonoo, Andy Fry, Debbie Pomeroy, Duane Pomeroy, Carol Christensen, Erin Snethen, Zach Snethen, Leo Cangiani

Zoom Meeting

  1. Introductions 
  2. Minutes – March minutes; motion from Andy, second from Zach. Minutes approved.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    • Presented by Tom Luellen (Treasurer); see attached
    • Sue shared that we cleared over $1,500 for Blossoms; Zach asked about past revenue; Sue said it is usually around $2,000.
    • Sue moved, second from Gail. Report approved.
  4. Operation Food Secure – Brett
    • The program continues on Thursday nights. We have some volunteers but welcome more.
    • We have a variety of routes. We hope to get to know our neighbors better as the weather warms.
    • The program delivered its 100,000th box this week.
    • We deliver to 64 households. We serve outside College Hill if they don’t have a program in their neighborhoods.
    • Anyone interested in volunteering can contact anyone on the call who volunteers. You can also contact A special thanks to Zach who picks up every other week for us.
  5. House Lights Project Update – Andy
    • Andy shared that we made the initial purchase of light bulbs from Lowes. 
    • The lights have photo cell and will help illuminate the neighborhood and give a sense of safety and inclusiveness.
    • Neighbors will deliver and ask to help install the bulbs and get to know neighbors.
    • Light bulbs have a life of 3-4 years and an annual cost of $5.
    • Internet from Westminster Presbyterian Church – Wifi for students to use for school and other activities. There is funding to continue for a couple of years.
    • Traffic calming measures project – paint to help remind drivers to drive slowly through the neighborhood.
    • Susan shared about the purple lights that are throughout the neighborhood. These are failed lights from Evergy. They are working to resolve it.
    • Sue Bolley does the new neighbor baskets. Will lights be included? Andy will give some to her for the new neighbors; he is in contact with her to get lights to her.
    • Debra asked about a request for a “Children at Play” sign at 15th and Jewell. Andy can request that of traffic staff at the city.
  6. Recycling Drive – Carol Christensen
    • March drive brought in $112. The amount we are being paid now is less and accounts for the decrease from December. Since 1990, $14,115.08 has been raised for the neighborhood.
    • Sorting is necessary and helps with the volunteers. The next drive is July 10.
  7. Old Business
    • Neighborhood Clean Up Day 
      • Zach reported that we filled two dumpsters. We avoided a mess in the parking lot. Karl and Zach picked up some trash in the alleyways. They set aside the recycling.
    • Blossoms Sale 
      • Karl and Meredith were excellent volunteers. She appreciates the help of the younger residents. We will be back next year and hopefully with a breakfast inside the church. If you see good auction items, please set them aside for the sale. Debra shared several items. This is a partnership with Westminster for more than 20 years.
    • July 4  
      • Sue asked about the hot dog lunch. Westminster is willing to do the lunch if we decide to do the parade. Susan is not sure whether the city is issuing parade permits.
      • The barricades are $1,500-1,700 for the parade. This is a separate application.
      • There was discussion that the decision was made at the last meeting to have a 4th of July walk instead of a parade.
      • Debra shared that the lost her husband last month and that the parade was incredibly important to him and to their family.
      • Andy asked about the Music in the Park the night before the 4th of July. 
      • Sue shared that the church will be less enthused about the hot dog lunch if there is no parade and no other activities at the park.
      • Erin asked if we had the music after the walk in the morning with hotdogs, ice cream, etc. to get people together in the park. 
      • Debra asked about costumes and decorations for families. The awards for the houses, and costumes could be given in the park.
      • Andy moved that the 4th of July walk in College Hill like we had last year (separately) will be followed by music, hot dog lunch, and awards in the park. Sue seconded. Motion passed.
      • Susan will talk with Councilwoman Naeger about a proposal for barricades and parades.
    • College Hill Stones
    • Boswell Bricks
  8. Our next meeting will be July 19. We will meet on Zoom or at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Brett J. Martin

Meeting Minutes – May 2019

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Round Table Meeting Minutes– May 20, 2019

Attendees:  Carol Christensen, John Christensen, Sue Fackler, Andy Fry, Brendan Jensen, Gail Kennedy, Charley Krumins, Tom Luellen, Erin Snethen, Ardith Woertz

  1. Community Officer Update 
    • Officer not in attendance.  No update provided.
  2. Treasurer’s Report
    • Treasurer’s Report accepted and approved as submitted.
  3. Minutes
    • Minutes approved as submitted.
  4. Neighborhood Events and Updates
    • Neighborhood Cleanup
      • Event determined to be a success.  Good participation.  Both dumpsters were filled.
    • Blossoms Event – Flowers, Breakfast, and Silent Auction
      • All determined to be a success.  Costs slightly up and Sales slightly down from last year. Looking for ways to improve and sustain –
      • Date:  this year was Mother’s Day weekend – question was asked if event should be held earlier? 
      • Type of Plants:  potting, hanging, etc.  — no decision made.  Tomato plants were available this year – this was a plus.
      • Additional Benefits Mentioned:  social gathering — neighbors getting to know neighbors.
    • Neighborhood Garage Sale
      • Clete Linenberger will chair.  Date: weekend of June 15th 
    • July 3rd & 4th Activities –
      • report on barricades: options for barricades discussed:  preliminary purchase option presented, also talked about renting, other options from city, etc. – Three questions to consider identified: Do We Need? Do We Purchase? Do We Rent? — More research to be completed — decision not finalized. 
      • turtle races scheduled 
    • July 3rd: The Band Signal Ridge is confirmed. 
      • Food = Dessert Potluck.
    • July 4th Parade
      • Susan Duffy will chair this year.  Special Events Permit in Process. Need to determine course of action for barricades.
    • Flyer will go out about July 3rd and 4th Activities
      • includes the recycling drive info.
    • National Night Out
      • Date:  August 10th.  
      • Will identify movie to show.  
      • Need event chair, plus committee to run the event.
  5. New Business
    • Recycling was successful.  Next Recycling Date:  July 13th 
    • 12th Street Project was mentioned.  All were encouraged to review Project information on the City of Topeka’s website.
  6. Old Business
    • Moving the monument markers from Jensen home
      • Options were discussed – several volunteers move the monument markers, or we pay a company to move the monument markers and place them.
    • Donation to the Church – $500 donation unanimously approved.
    • Update on Memorandum of Understanding requested by Parks and Rec. – no update.  Will put on next meeting agenda.
  7. Next Round Table Meeting will take place the 3rd Monday in July on the 15th at 7:00 pm.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Gail Kennedy

Meeting Minutes – July 2019

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Round Table Meeting Minutes–July 22, 2019

Attendees: Carol Christensen, John Christensen, Andy Fry, Gail Kennedy, Liz Krumins, Tom Luellen, Dona Nordstrom, Jenny Odernatt, Christi Stewart, Erin Snethen, Keith Tatum, Clark Trammell, Ardith Woertz

  1. Community Officer Update:  No update 
  2. Guest Speakers:
    • Keith Tatum – School Board Candidate – running for At-Large Position.  Talked about background and interests.
    • Clark Trammell – City Council, District 6 Candidate.  Neighborhood participants. Talked about candidacy and neighborhood.
  3. Treasurer’s Report:   Report presented by Tom Luellen and approved. 
  4. Minutes:  Minutes were approved as submitted.
  5. Neighborhood Events and Updates
    • National Night Out:  discussed advertisement, movie, menu, and bus arrival time. 
    • Homes Tour:  Discussed availability of homes and various options that will be taken to the Nautilus Club for consideration.
  6. New Business
    • Donation to Boy Scouts and ROTC at Topeka High:  Unanimous decision – donate $50 to each group.
    • More Activities at Boswell Park:  National Night Out – August 10th; Annual Meeting – September 16th; Wall of Fame – October – Date to be Determined.  Suggestion related to holding a Harvest Festival Activity in the Park – possibly in conjunction with Wall of Fame.
  7. Old Business
    • Contingency for Future 4th of July events:  Discussion involved putting in a rain time with application, doing all can to hold the parade, scaling down the parade, enhancing communication system, normal set-up time at 10AM and contingency back-up set-up time at 1PM.
    • College Hill Markers:  Discussed moving and placement
    • Recycling:  Results not in.  Activity appears to be down. Next recycling date to be determined – possibly in October.
    • Welcome Baskets:  Jenny Odermatt provided report. Sue Boling is helping deliver baskets.  Delivered approximately 8 to 10 in past few months. Low on basket contents – donations needed.  Basket items:  LED light bulbs, trash basket, packet of seeds, small baskets, copy of most current College Hill Newsletter, brownie/cookies. Dusk to dawn bulbs were suggested – will discuss further at our next meeting.
    • July’s Community Building Meeting:  Discussed meeting agenda.
    • Robberies:  Discussed bike robberies that have occurred during the past few months
  8. Next Round Table Meeting: Annual Meeting — 3rd Monday in September (September 16th), at 7:00 pm. Speaker:  Judy Wilson from Safe Street.  Board members are asked to bring baked goods.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Gail L. Kennedy

Meeting Minutes – July 2018

College Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting

7:00 p.m. July 16, 2018

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Present: Katrina Shaw (President), Ardith Woertz (Vice-President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Gail Kennedy, Adrianne Johnson, Andy Fry, John E. Christensen, Susan Duffy, John Bowes, Dona Nordstrom, Zach Snethen, Theo Alford-Shaw, and Officer Hendricks.

Community Officer’s Update: The Crime Statistics Report was not available.  HOT TOPIC – car burglaries.  Nothing significant – foot traffic still an issue.  If missing something, calling pawn shops can be a useful resource.  Make sure you write down serial numbers on large ticket items, including bicycles, guns, etc.

Property Maintenance Compliance: Anything on the “lot” with the exception of vehicles that may be operable and are tagged come under the review of this unit.  Housing violations include inside and outside the home.  Most exterior issues involve paint, weeds (yard with vegetation over 1 foot high), and broken windows.  General junk on open porch (i.e. appliances, boxes of stuff, scrap wood) can be sited.  Homeowners are provided ten (10) days to comply after signing for the letter from the City.

Squatters are a real issue in our neighborhood.  Suggestion made that we contact all the City Council members to support the code compliance unit with more funds.

Treasurers Report: Tom Luellen reported a balance of $32,000; spent $600 on 4th of July event(s)l; and just received $1,300 in invoices.

Grant Update(s): Will be reimbursed $1,200 from the City of Topeka for the Barricades Grant – barricades cost $980.

Monuments on 17th – unveiling in planning with Margarita’s Jalisco.

July 4th Recap: THS ROTC not interested in coming.  Shawnee Heights High School came and performed.  Motion for donation to Shawnee Heights High School of $50 passed.  Susan Duffy and Tom Luellen seconded.

Recycling: John Christensen reported that after July 4th made $111.34.

NNO: Our NNO for College Hill will be jointly sponsored with the Topeka Community Cycle Project.  “Sandlot” will be showing at Boswell Park on August 11th.  Event starts at 6:00 p.m.  Movie will be shown after dark.

Annual Meeting: September 17, 2018.  (a) Elections to be held; and (b) Peggy Oster with the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging will be the guest speaker.

Neighborhood Improvement Association: A portion of College Hill – East side of College Ave. to Washburn is being brought to our attention for further discussion with the City Planning Department.

The next meeting will be on the third Monday in September at 7:00 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Meeting Minutes – May 2018

College Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting

7:00 PM May 21, 2018

Westminster Presbyterian Church

PRESENT: Katrina Shaw (President), Ardith Woertz (Vice-President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Regina Castle, Gail Kennedy, Adrianne Johnson, Jenny Odermatt, Erin Snethen, Officers Hendricks and Wall.

COMMUNITY OFFICER REPORT: Officers Hendricks and Wall updated as to the current crime statistics reflecting an increase in crime in the area of 15th and Boswell – 4 plex, some issues and calls on disturbances, more activity than normal, especially 15th street (burglaries to unlocked car on Plass; vehicle and residence burglaries on Garfield; attempted burglary with damage to both doors on Washburn; and possible abandoned vehicle on 15th street).

TREASURERS REPORT: Tome Luellen reported $2,600.00 earned at the Blossoms event, which is roughly $800 more than last year and the most ever earned.

NNO: Will be held August 11th at 6:00 PM in Boswell Park.  Ardith Woertz reported community members Gail Kennedy and Sarah Peterson-Herr were recruited for the committee.  The College Hill committee will meet after the last NNO orientation meeting in July.

FOURTH OF JULY: Grants application completed for barricades to help deter costs.  Volunteer hours valued at $20 per hour.  July 3rd and July 4th – Stars & Stripes Festival.  July 3rd band cost is $400.

COLLEGE HILL GARAGE SALE: May 31st through June 3rd.  Same weekend as the Mulvane Art Fair.  Stadium Movie will be June 2nd at Washburn University.  Admission will be a canned food item for donation.


WELCOME BASKETS: Update: 1516 Plass, 1404 Plass, & 1607 College baskets were delivered.  New neighbors at 15th & Boswell.  Thank you to Jenny Odermatt for all of your hard work.

BOARD ELECTIONS: Will occur at the September annual meeting.  Katrina will be unable to attend because of her Washburn class. 

The Secretary and Vice-President positions are open.

Guest Speaker will be Peggy with the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging

JULY MEETING: The next meeting will be on the third Monday, July 16th at 7:00 PM

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Annual Meeting Minutes -September 2017


September 18, 2017


Guest Speaker – Neighborhood Association president Katrina Shaw introduced Travis Tenbrink, assistant arborist with Topeka Public Works. He explained the purpose of the city’s tree program, which is to maintain the trees on public property and in the neighborhood right-of-way (between the sidewalks and the streets). That involves over 1200 miles of streets and 70-80,000 trees. There is someone on duty 24 hours a day to call if a tree or branch falls during the night.

Travis reported that there is more Dutch Elm Disease around the city this summer and also that Ash Borer Disease has been found in the city this June. He also gave some hints on caring for the mature trees found in College Hill – maintain a stable environment for the tree, provide plenty of water, don’t dig around the roots, and only trim dead wood, not green wood.

Community Officer Report – Officer Hendricks distributed a printed report of crime in the neighborhood, pointing out that the early morning hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the highest crime times. Some of the neighbors present asked Officer Hendricks about recent occurrences in the area – a burglary in the 1400 block of Jewell and reports of nighttime gunfire. The officer told the audience to be sure to email him of issues when they occur so he can justify asking for extra patrols. His email address is

Treasurer’s Report – Tom Luellen handed out a detailed report which listed a balance of $30,448.13 as of September 18.

Other Business – plans for the Wall of Fame and Homes Tour are well underway. There will be a few changes this year – the Wall presentation will be later in the afternoon and there will not be food as in previous years. Volunteers are needed for that event, for the Chili Feed and other neighborhood activities, and to start a Historic Committee.

The next neighborhood Round Table will be held November 20. After refreshments the meeting was adjourned.


Meeting Minutes – July 2017



Attending: Katrina Shaw, Jenny Odermatt, Tom Luellen, Erin Snethen, Susan Duffy, John Christensen, Ardith Woertz, Andy Fry with Ava, Officer Wall.


  1. Community Officer Update by Officer Wall.

Discussion of new stop signs.

No new crime in our neighborhood. Concerns expressed by the President. She observed four children (12-16 years old) walking down the alley.  They were looking in to her car through the window.  She called out from the house, to ask what they were doing.  The youth moved along without incident.  Congratulations to Officer Wall on his baby boy.

  1. Treasurer’s Report.


  1. Grant Update.

Waiting on approvals from the City and Washburn to put markers on 17th Street in the median.  Also, waiting on a response from the City Relations Department on the paperwork needed to be reimbursed for the barricades.

  1. July 4th Report.

Very Successful.  Recommendation: continue to purchase a set of historical patriotic costumes each year.  Reimbursement needed for the barricades ($938.00) and for bills that Susan Duffy submitted that she had advanced for the event.

  1. National Night Out Update.

August 5th, at 6:00 p.m.  The neighborhood received $100 from Safe Streets.  Movie night: we will watch Muppet Movie in the park.  Donated goods will include water, hot dogs and buns from Hy-vee, side dishes from Reser’s.  Twenty-five groups requested a bus for Stuff the Bus, but only 8 are available.  Groups who had a bus last year aren’t eligible this year.  Officer Wall will be stopping by around 9:00 p.m.

  1. Annual Meeting.

Will be Monday, September 18th at 7:00 p.m in the basement of the Westminster Presbyterian Church.  Board members should bring a dessert.

Matt, an arborist for the City of Topeka will speak.  There is a tree planting program through the City, they will plant maples in the right-of-ways for free.  They can also trim trees.  Ash borers are in the area.  The adults lay larva in the tree and the larva is what damages the tree.  Trees can be treated. Several neighbors attending discussed contacting Brown=s Tree Service for treatment.

Discussed forming a committee to evaluate seeking historical status for our neighborhood.

  1. Banners on Washburn

Each banner would cost $88.00, plus the purchase of the arm sets at $224.00 each.  This may be cost prohibitive.

  1. Other business.

Possible code compliance issue on Washburn.  Need to contact Monique with Community Engagement, for the City of Topeka Neighborhood Relations.

Next meeting is the Annual Meeting.

Newsletter should be out by September 4th.

Jenny volunteered to start the Welcome Wagon again.