College Hill Neighborhood Association
Minutes: November 15, 2021
Zoom Meeting
Attendees: Christi Stewart (President), Carol Christensen (Vice President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Brett Martin (Secretary), Susan Duffy, Debbie Pomeroy, Duane Pomeroy, John Christensen, Erin Snethen, Kat Shaw, Ben Alford, Gail Kennedy, Laura Alford, Zach Snethen, Chris, Sara O’Keeffe, Karl Fundenberger, John Boyd (Guest from SNCO Parks and Recreation), Chris Curtis (SNCO Park Planner)
- Introductions
- Boswell Park – John Boyd, Parks and Recreation
- Several things in the works now including additional lighting and new fencing to replace existing (4’ black vinyl coated instead of 6’); new swings coming as well as part of a larger package for 22 parks; a dome climber doesn’t comply with current safety standards so it will be coming out; existing play rubber will be replaced with concrete accessed sidewalks with outlying benches on pads with picnic tables (for accessibility purposes)
- There is an issue with the west brick path; take it out and make it another path; use the existing bricks into the east path
- Natural play area among the trees on the east of the gazebo with sidewalk access to the east perimeter of the park; not sure what it will look like but could have mulch, wood, boulder climbing structures
- Zach suggested dirt with mounds and replicate the berm and bushes area where kids already play which would be integrated among the trees; perhaps the neighborhood could add to it as the years go by
- Chris Curtis verified that the fence bids will come back later this week
- John suggested that there is dirt access at the zoo if we can decide on the berms for the natural play area
- These are 2021 monies; $108,000 dedicated to Boswell Square Park (fence, lighting, gazebo, surfacing for playground equipment, possibly resurfacing the basketball court, benches and picnic tables
- The lights will match the existing period lighting
- The bids have been coming in a little higher than they have anticipated; the money allocated will be utilized quickly on these projects
- The money has been allocated; there is some wiggle room if the bids come in high; lights were $30,000, and the budget was $25,000 or $27,000
- John suggested that there is ARPA money that has not been allocated
- Ben asked about power at the light poles; John suggested that the proposed gazebo would have lights and some outlets
- Power could be available at the parking lot for a food truck
- Gazebo
- Christi shared that we have an existing wooden gazebo; the proposed structure would be much appreciated
- John – the existing gazebo is small and weak; it can only hold 8-10 people; he has received enough feedback on the gazebo that they can keep it; if he were living in the neighborhood, he would want something that would hold 30-40 people for an event; he would call on an engineer to evaluate the gazebo and see if it is safe and useful
- Zach – assume that this is our opportunity to make an improvement
- John said there are over 110 parks; it will be 10-15 years before the opportunity comes around again
- Ben asked if lighting and power could be integrated into the existing structure; John explained that it could; there’s not much opportunity for expansion; he would like to open the floor to see what is underneath the existing structure
- Karl asked if we keep the wood one can we have the new structure; John said no. This is just a neighborhood park. The city overbuilt their parks and there is not much room to play. There are new standards what constitutes a neighborhood park, regional park, etc.
- Susan shared that there is an emotional attachment to the structure; she also recognizes that our needs are changing; Susan asked how long we could have to make a decision; John shared that there are supply chain issues and that we would not receive the structure until July
- viii.Zach shared photos of a potential structure that is not a typical square structure
- Susan shared that the cupola on one of the structures reminded her the architectural detail on Randolph Elementary
- John shared that the railing could be incorporated and that the CH logo could be incorporated in certain areas
- Susan asked about keeping the trees; Zach said the intention would be to keep all the trees; Susan shared that The Nautilus Club has money to maybe do something for the wood gazebo
- Susan asked about making a decision by December 15 to communicate to SNCO Parks & Recreation
- xiii.Christi asked why we need to delay the vote; Susan said she could move the date to December 1
- xiv.Ben made a motion to vote on the package
- Carol asked for clarification on whether there could be two structures
- xvi.Diane shared that though they were in favor of keeping the old gazebo, but are now convinced that we need to move forward with a new gazebo after seeing these designs; they like the blue one as well
- xvii.Sara shared that in February of 2019 at the Chili Feed we ranked the top four priorities: natural play area, lighting, new shelter structure, gazebo improvements; she shared that she appreciated the planned improvements to the basketball court
- xviii.Laura seconded the motion
- xix.Susan shared that she spoke to Sue; she is not opposed to a new gazebo but would like to have the old one relocated somewhere in the park; she shared that it does not fall within the new guidelines for neighborhood parks; she shared that those who were rallying for support of the gazebo are members of the Nautilus Club
- Sue shared that the bagpiper who lives across the street from the park on Boswell was concerned about a large structure in front of his house
- xxi.Ben asked if the price included the concrete pad; John said it is turnkey; we will not know until the bid is received. Zach shared that if we go into the new year the price will increase 10-15%
- xxii.Carol shared that she was in favor of the new gazebo but wants to inform people we are going to vote
- xxiii.Susan shared that the vote needs to be transparent
- xxiv.Ben said that his motion was to move forward with the park improvement package and gazebo and then later decide on the gazebo design
- xxv.There was confusion on what was being decided or to be voted on right now
- xxvi.Susan offered a friendly amendment to hold a special meeting of CHNA on November 22 at 7:00pm to discuss and vote on the gazebo with dimensions and details or vote to keep the existing gazebo
- xxvii.John shared that he likes that we want to get everyone’s input; he does not want someone coming to a commission meeting accusing them of stealing their gazebo in the dark of night
- xxviii.Zach has John’s email address if we have questions
- xxix.Called for the question – the motion and amendment passed unanimously
- xxx.There was discussion about whether the meeting needs to be in person, zoom, or hybrid; it was determined that we have an in-person meeting; people can vote via email before the meeting (one vote per household, include address and name on the email)
- xxxi.There was discussion about how many and which images; Zach said he can collect a few images and say that we are voted on a gazebo that is in the spirit of the gazebos shown; he can present and talk through it with folks so that they are fully informed; he will use images and posters to share with the neighbors
- xxxii.Susan shared that we need to share what can be done with the existing improvements
- Treasurer’s Report
- Please see attached report for details
- Brett moved to accept the report; Diane seconded. Treasurer’s report was approved
- Minutes
- Susan moved; Ben seconded. Minutes were approved
- Recycling Drive
- We made $86 on the most recent drive; the total is $14,000+ since 1990; next drive is December 11.
- If we distribute a flyer, we can include the results of the vote on park improvements
- Old Business
- After Mike shared on AirBnB’s, the house on Plass was denied because the house at 17th and MacVicar had been approved, so it was denied because it is within 500’. Diane can share where other AirBnB’s are within the neighborhood. Christi will share.
- Chili Feed – do we have it? Christi asked whether or not we should have it
- Ben shared that a food-sharing event wasn’t desirable
- After the holidays, it will not be a good idea
- Light bulb delivery is slow; they are supposed to be delivered to front porches, and we can share a flyer; there has been some conflicting information about whether we are to install
- The house on Boswell seems to be quiet.
- New Business
- Our next regularly scheduled meeting will be January 17, 2022. The special meeting will be held on Monday, November 22 at 7:00pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Brett J. Martin