Meeting Minutes – November 2019

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Round Table Meeting, November 18, 2019 – Minutes

Persons in Attendance: Carol Christenson, John Christensen, Clark Duffy, Sue Fackler, Andrianne Johnson, Gail Kennedy, Tom Luellen, John Parton, Jasmine Puderbaugh, Christi Stewart, Don Zeller.

  1. Community Officer Update – Officer Strickland attended.  No report was provided as data was not updated/current.  A demonstration of Google Community Crime Map was provided.  Go to site, pull up USA, zoom to Kansas and then to Topeka. Officer Strickland recommended not leaving car running with keys inside.  He provided his phone number if need to contact him — 785.861.0197
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Report provided by Tom Luellen and accepted. Barricade discussion. 
  3. Minutes of last meetingMinutes from the July meeting were made available. 
  4. Speaker – Bill Fiander, Representative from Topeka zoning department. Mr. Fiander indicated that he was at meeting to listen and understand.  


  • Report from committee on neighborhood housing concerns – several neighborhood representatives have looked into homes in the College Hill neighborhood that appear to not be being used in accordance with City code. Discussion on what can and cannot be done and possible course of action took place. More work to be completed.


  • New Business
    1. Holiday activities — Christmas decoration contest.
    2. Chili feed – Possible date discussed. 


  • Old Business
    1. Recycling results – last drive raised $107. Appreciation was expressed.
    2. Octoberfest report – Day was a success. Served as substitute for the Home Tour. Nautilus Club does not think activity is a good fit for them.
  • Next Round Table Meeting on January 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.  Will have a short organizational meeting before the next Round Table Meeting for committee on generating ideas on spending funds in the College Hill accounts.  Short organizational meeting for committee after the Round Table Meeting. Several suggestions/ideas were mentioned: Exercise Stations, Porch fest, Light bulbs, markers… more to be discussed on 13th of January.

Meeting Minutes – May 2018

College Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting

7:00 PM May 21, 2018

Westminster Presbyterian Church

PRESENT: Katrina Shaw (President), Ardith Woertz (Vice-President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Regina Castle, Gail Kennedy, Adrianne Johnson, Jenny Odermatt, Erin Snethen, Officers Hendricks and Wall.

COMMUNITY OFFICER REPORT: Officers Hendricks and Wall updated as to the current crime statistics reflecting an increase in crime in the area of 15th and Boswell – 4 plex, some issues and calls on disturbances, more activity than normal, especially 15th street (burglaries to unlocked car on Plass; vehicle and residence burglaries on Garfield; attempted burglary with damage to both doors on Washburn; and possible abandoned vehicle on 15th street).

TREASURERS REPORT: Tome Luellen reported $2,600.00 earned at the Blossoms event, which is roughly $800 more than last year and the most ever earned.

NNO: Will be held August 11th at 6:00 PM in Boswell Park.  Ardith Woertz reported community members Gail Kennedy and Sarah Peterson-Herr were recruited for the committee.  The College Hill committee will meet after the last NNO orientation meeting in July.

FOURTH OF JULY: Grants application completed for barricades to help deter costs.  Volunteer hours valued at $20 per hour.  July 3rd and July 4th – Stars & Stripes Festival.  July 3rd band cost is $400.

COLLEGE HILL GARAGE SALE: May 31st through June 3rd.  Same weekend as the Mulvane Art Fair.  Stadium Movie will be June 2nd at Washburn University.  Admission will be a canned food item for donation.


WELCOME BASKETS: Update: 1516 Plass, 1404 Plass, & 1607 College baskets were delivered.  New neighbors at 15th & Boswell.  Thank you to Jenny Odermatt for all of your hard work.

BOARD ELECTIONS: Will occur at the September annual meeting.  Katrina will be unable to attend because of her Washburn class. 

The Secretary and Vice-President positions are open.

Guest Speaker will be Peggy with the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging

JULY MEETING: The next meeting will be on the third Monday, July 16th at 7:00 PM

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.