[College Hill Topeka] College Hill Blossoms Plant Sale

Katrina Shaw katkake1 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 15:43:59 CDT 2022

*College HIll Blossoms Saturday, April 30  8:00 - 11:00 a.m.*

Spring is here and it's time to brighten up your yard and the neighborhood!
For the last 18 years, we have been offering showy planted pots, hanging
baskets, and bedding plants at our annual Blossoms sale. This has been a
joint partnership between College Hill and Westminster Presbyterian, with
assistance from Jackson's Greenhouse. In addition to the plants, we will
have a silent auction and brunch food available in the fellowship hall of
the church.

All proceeds go toward neighborhood improvements in Boswell Square. Please
contact Sue Fackler (785-806-3525) if you have questions or donations for
the auction. There will be a special drawing at Blooms on Boswell during
the event.

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