[College Hill Topeka] College HIll Blossoms

Katrina Shaw katkake1 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 16:24:44 CDT 2021

Join us Saturday, May 1 from 8:00 -11:00 a.m. at 13th & Boswell. Treat
yourself to a showy planter, a hanging basket or some bedding plants.
College Hill Blossoms will be a bit different this year.  All activities
will be OUTSIDE, in the church parking lot.  You can stay socially
distanced and still check out the flowers and silent auction items.  It's
our annual fundraiser and a great excuse to brighten up your yard or
patio.  Bring your lawn chair and sit a spell.  Proceeds go to the
neighborhood.  There will be a special drawing at Blooms on Boswell during
the event and Circle Coffee will be on site.

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