[College Hill Topeka] Annual meeting recap

Katrina Shaw katkake1 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 19 16:21:26 EDT 2017

Good afternoon neighbors,

Thank you to those of you who attended our annual meeting last night.

Our first speaker, Travis Tenbrink, is the assistant forester for the city
of Topeka.  He provided many helpful tips on protecting and caring for
aging trees.  His main suggestions for aging trees is to be sure to water
aging trees during droughts, keep their environment stable, and only trim
dead wood not new growth.   If you have a tree, on the right of way, that
needs attention there is someone staffed to answer your call at 368-3111 24
hours a day.

Due to a communication error on my part our second speaker was unable to
attend the meeting.  We have rescheduled.  Darrell Stewart, Community
Outreach Manager for Shawnee County Parks and Recreation, as well as Bill
Riphahn, Project Manager for Shawnee County Parks and Recreation will both
be attending our next meeting, November 20, 2017.  To find out more about
exciting future plans for our beloved Boswell Park please join us then.

Our community police officer, Officer Hendricks, reminded us to leave our
porch lights on, remove valuables from cars, and lock our doors.

Lastly, mark your calendars for October 15th.  Our wonderful homes tour and
Wall of Fame ceremony begin at 12:30.  Flyers with more details will be
hand delivered soon.

Thank you,

Katrina Shaw

-CHNA President

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