[College Hill Topeka] Comprehensive parking plan

Katrina Shaw katkake1 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 13 07:20:28 EDT 2017

Comprehensive Parking Plan Announcement
The City of Topeka is conducting a Comprehensive Parking Study during 2017.  This study will include a review and assessment of parking in the downtown area.  Public Works has contracted with Desman Design Management, a national parking consultant to conduct the study and develop a downtown parking plan.
The plan development includes a study phase to assess current parking conditions. This assessment will include gathering data and planning for future economic development in the downtown area. 

An online survey was launched on June 2, 2017 and will be available through the end of July.  To access the survey, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/topekaparking .   

Desman Management will utilize information gathered to develop a summary of existing conditions.  This information will lead to the development of recommendations for improving the operations, management and pricing of public parking in Topeka over both short term and long term. 

Please consider completing the survey. Thank you. 

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