College Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting
7:00 PM May 21, 2018
Westminster Presbyterian Church
PRESENT: Katrina Shaw (President), Ardith Woertz (Vice-President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Regina Castle, Gail Kennedy, Adrianne Johnson, Jenny Odermatt, Erin Snethen, Officers Hendricks and Wall.
COMMUNITY OFFICER REPORT: Officers Hendricks and Wall updated as to the current crime statistics reflecting an increase in crime in the area of 15th and Boswell – 4 plex, some issues and calls on disturbances, more activity than normal, especially 15th street (burglaries to unlocked car on Plass; vehicle and residence burglaries on Garfield; attempted burglary with damage to both doors on Washburn; and possible abandoned vehicle on 15th street).
TREASURERS REPORT: Tome Luellen reported $2,600.00 earned at the Blossoms event, which is roughly $800 more than last year and the most ever earned.
NNO: Will be held August 11th at 6:00 PM in Boswell Park. Ardith Woertz reported community members Gail Kennedy and Sarah Peterson-Herr were recruited for the committee. The College Hill committee will meet after the last NNO orientation meeting in July.
FOURTH OF JULY: Grants application completed for barricades to help deter costs. Volunteer hours valued at $20 per hour. July 3rd and July 4th – Stars & Stripes Festival. July 3rd band cost is $400.
COLLEGE HILL GARAGE SALE: May 31st through June 3rd. Same weekend as the Mulvane Art Fair. Stadium Movie will be June 2nd at Washburn University. Admission will be a canned food item for donation.
WELCOME BASKETS: Update: 1516 Plass, 1404 Plass, & 1607 College baskets were delivered. New neighbors at 15th & Boswell. Thank you to Jenny Odermatt for all of your hard work.
BOARD ELECTIONS: Will occur at the September annual meeting. Katrina will be unable to attend because of her Washburn class.
The Secretary and Vice-President positions are open.
Guest Speaker will be Peggy with the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging
JULY MEETING: The next meeting will be on the third Monday, July 16th at 7:00 PM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.