PRESENT: Community Officer Wall, Katrina Shaw (President), Susan Duffy, Erin Snethen, Sue Fackler, Ardith Woertz, Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Brendan Jensen, Carl Broxterman, Andy Fry & daughter, Karen Robertson (Secretary)
COMMUNITY OFFICER’S REPORT: Officer Wall spoke of the recent homicide at the apartment building on 15th Street near Garfield and the Mexican Taco Shop robbery – both crimes committed by 2 males in hoodies on bicycles. Hoodies in warm summer weather may be a tip-off to someone trying to hide their identity – he reminded us to be on the lookout for that. People on bicycles have also been seen casing out the vacant house at 15th and Boswell, and squatters have been found there. Burglary reports are usually up in the summertime so residents need to keep things locked up and be aware. Officer Wall reported that both he and Officer Frederich will be on family leave for most of the summer as their wives are expecting babies in the same week!
TREASURER’S REPORT: Tom reported a balance of $29,704.96 as of May 9. This doesn’t include the results of the Blossoms event the previous weekend. He distributed a separate report for Blossoms which showed profits of at least $1573,96 from the event, and several hundred dollars worth of payments are yet to be counted. Sue Fackler commented that these receipts are up considerably from previous years.
GRANT DISCUSSION: Katrina has a proposal written for applying for a grant from the city to help cover the cost of the barricades needed for the July 4 parade. Susan reported that more barricades may be required than we thought – she offered to check on the actual cost and also to apply for the permit for our “processional.”
Katrina reported that she is also thinking of applying for a second grant for College Hill signs in the median strip on 17th Street. Susan & Sue have investigated limestone ones for about $500 each.
GARAGE SALE: The neighborhood garage sale will be June 1-4. Planning is going well. Nancy Cottrill has garage sale signs if anyone needs one. There are at least 10 small signs – Brendan will look into acquiring larger signs for 17th Street. There won’t be a newspaper ad – relying on signs and social media.
NATIONAL NIGHT OUT: We haven’t heard yet how much money neighborhoods will get to put on the events. Reser’s and HyVee have confirmed that they will provide food.
FOURTH OF JULY: The fire trucks, large flag, etc. are all being arranged for this year’s parade.
RECYCLING: July 8 is the next recycling drive. A reminder will be included in the flyer that will be passed out about the July 3-4 events.
OTHER BUSINESS: Susan suggested a program idea for the annual neighborhood meeting in September. She thinks it would be informative to have the city arborist or someone knowledgeable speak about trees – the ash borer threat, caring for the older trees in the neighborhood, etc.
Carl asked if College Hill flags could be added along Washburn Avenue like the ones on 17th Street. Brendan will look into it.
Finally, the group was reminded that Sarah Meadows has the leftover plants from the Blossoms sale and they can be picked up on her front porch.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be July 17.