College Hill Neighborhood Association
Round Table Agenda and Minutes – July 20, 2020
Persons in Attendance: Cynthia Naeger (guest), Gail Kennedy, Ardith Woertz, Tom Luellen, Deb Pomeroy, Duane Pomeroy, Christi Stewart, Andy Fry, Zach Snethen, Erin Snethen, Brett Martin, Carol Christiansen, Patricia Kane.
- Introductions – Meeting held via Zoom
- Minutes — Approved as submitted
- Treasurer’s Report – Report Submitted and approved as submitted
- Guest – Cynthia Naeger regarding grant proposal
- Lighting Project – Andy Fry in conjunction with Cynthia Naeger
- Andy and Cynthia have been working on grant proposal for dusk to dawn lights for distribution to new neighbors. Neighborhood Safety is key motivator.
- Partnering with other community action groups to make it happen have been explored. Have looked into several grants: Hand R Block, Topeka Community Foundation – Greater Topeka Community Fund, Evergy to name a few. Most grant possibilities have shifted funds at this time to COVID related activities.
- Also working with Community Resource Center (CRC) to become a member organization so we can qualify for 501c3 grants. Membership fee is $100.
- Lights and costs were discussed, and question was asked if we would be providing matching or some funds to try and Improve grant search.
- Yard/Sidewalk Lights were also discussed. This project is more costly and was seen as a possible next step. Need for more data and how yard lights have helped the crime rate in other neighborhoods was discussed. Participants indicated desire to continue work on this and to talk with Evergy about.
- Ardith will seek a letter of support from Safe Streets to help with grant applications.
- Motion presents by Andy and seconded by Carol: spend $100 to obtain membership with CRC and put up $500 of unencumbered funds as match for grant for light bulb project. Motion unanimously approved. AS Cynthia was dropped off the Zoom call, Andy will get back with Cynthia.
- Porch fest/music event — Andy Fry and Lauren Neuer –
- Event will involve having several different smaller music gatherings in front yards or on porches.
- Participates would socially distance and wear masks.
- Event date could coincide with or be related to National Night Out activity. People could walk by and enjoy music from sidewalk.
- It was mentioned that Porch fest could possibly build into something that replaces house tours without going inside as it will be featuring the neighborhood and the talent in the neighborhood. It was mentioned that we could pick a date, put information out, and let it organically grow over time.
- October 10th was identified as event date to coincide with National Night Out. Day Light hours were discussed as a way to encourage people to walk neighborhood. Different ideas were mentioned, and an initial planning team was formed. It was also mentioned that it would possibly be up to the individual host to plan the entertainment. An August 2nd planning meeting was set.
- Recycling Drive – update by Carol Christiansen
- Jim Starkey has applied for registration with Kansas State Department of Revenue and has not heard back.
- After a discussion on options, it was decided that as we have a long-term relationship with Jim Starkey, we will wait until he is in business.
- Information will be put out to let neighborhood know we still plan on doing recycling and they will be asked to hang on to their recyclables.
- Neighborhood Cleanup – Ben Alford is coordinating this event and it is being rescheduled to the fall.
- This may be cancelled. The Keep America Beautiful Activity has been cancelled for the year. No decisions made at this time.
- 4th of July – Independence Walk recap. Good coverage for independence walk. Great participation. Event was declared a success.
- National Night Out – see Porch fest — item b. above.
- Old Business – Park projects. Have money from Blossoms. Project will be discussed at the Annual meeting in September. — explore grant projects. Some ideas have been generated. There are no cost estimates currently.
- New Business – nominating committee for officers. Ardith will gather.
- Added item: – meeting with City Traffic Engineer to discuss traffic flow and how to slow traffic down.
- Safety is the focus.
- Diagrams were reviewed and discussed.
- City Traffic Engineer will be invited to Annual Meeting in September to make a presentation.
- Annual Meeting will take place the 3rd Monday in September – September 21st – at 7:00 pm, hopefully in person, at Westminster Church located at 13th & Boswell.
Respectfully submitted by Gail L. Kennedy