College Hill Neighborhood Association
Round Table Meeting Minutes–July 22, 2019
Attendees: Carol Christensen, John Christensen, Andy Fry, Gail Kennedy, Liz Krumins, Tom Luellen, Dona Nordstrom, Jenny Odernatt, Christi Stewart, Erin Snethen, Keith Tatum, Clark Trammell, Ardith Woertz
- Community Officer Update: No update
- Guest Speakers:
- Keith Tatum – School Board Candidate – running for At-Large Position. Talked about background and interests.
- Clark Trammell – City Council, District 6 Candidate. Neighborhood participants. Talked about candidacy and neighborhood.
- Treasurer’s Report: Report presented by Tom Luellen and approved.
- Minutes: Minutes were approved as submitted.
- Neighborhood Events and Updates
- National Night Out: discussed advertisement, movie, menu, and bus arrival time.
- Homes Tour: Discussed availability of homes and various options that will be taken to the Nautilus Club for consideration.
- New Business
- Donation to Boy Scouts and ROTC at Topeka High: Unanimous decision – donate $50 to each group.
- More Activities at Boswell Park: National Night Out – August 10th; Annual Meeting – September 16th; Wall of Fame – October – Date to be Determined. Suggestion related to holding a Harvest Festival Activity in the Park – possibly in conjunction with Wall of Fame.
- Old Business
- Contingency for Future 4th of July events: Discussion involved putting in a rain time with application, doing all can to hold the parade, scaling down the parade, enhancing communication system, normal set-up time at 10AM and contingency back-up set-up time at 1PM.
- College Hill Markers: Discussed moving and placement
- Recycling: Results not in. Activity appears to be down. Next recycling date to be determined – possibly in October.
- Welcome Baskets: Jenny Odermatt provided report. Sue Boling is helping deliver baskets. Delivered approximately 8 to 10 in past few months. Low on basket contents – donations needed. Basket items: LED light bulbs, trash basket, packet of seeds, small baskets, copy of most current College Hill Newsletter, brownie/cookies. Dusk to dawn bulbs were suggested – will discuss further at our next meeting.
- July’s Community Building Meeting: Discussed meeting agenda.
- Robberies: Discussed bike robberies that have occurred during the past few months
- Next Round Table Meeting: Annual Meeting — 3rd Monday in September (September 16th), at 7:00 pm. Speaker: Judy Wilson from Safe Street. Board members are asked to bring baked goods.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Gail L. Kennedy