Update by our neighborhood liaison TPD officer – our neighborhood has had an increase in car break-ins. There have been individuals roaming the neighborhood. Home break-ins are also on the rise. Additional precautions should be taken to lock your vehicles & your homes as well, along with leaving your lights on around your house. Removes items from view in your vehicles.
Treasurer’s report was approved.
The monument stones for College Hill will soon be installed. Grant money helped with the costs. These will be placed on 17th Street between Washburn & MacVicar in the median.
Updates on the chili feed were given.
Volunteers to help during the event are still needed. New banners are needed as the chili feed is being held at Westminster Presbyterian Church.
The Welcome Basket committee has been busy making baked goodies & delivering baskets. Ideas were exchanged on how to get information about new arrivals.
The Blossoms committee is looking for a new vendor for flowers & needing additional silent auction items.
The next recycling drive is set for March 10th.
Next round table meeting is Monday, March 19, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m.