PRESENT: Katrina Shaw (President), Ardith Woertz (Vice-President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Brendan Jensen, Erin Snethen, Sue Fackler, Karen Robertson (Secretary)
COMMUNITY OFFICERS’ UPDATE: Officers Wall and Frederichs were present. They reported that in College Hill and throughout the city there is an increase in auto theft because people are leaving their cars running to warm them up in the cold weather. Of the 23 crimes reported in College Hill since October 1, 1/3 are vehicle burglaries. Among other arrests are one at a drug house at 16th & College and one at 15th & Plass. Brendan asked what folks can do after reporting a crime while waiting for the police to arrive. The answer was to be a good witness – gather facts without putting yourself in danger.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Tom distributed a written report showing deposits of $553.25, disbursements of $185.89, for a balance of $28,945.42. There are calendars left and it was suggested that we offer them at a reduced price at the Chili Feed. There was also discussion about collecting information for the historical register process from attendees at the Chili Feed. Sue suggested forming a separate committee to manage the process of applying for historical register status. She also suggested asking Joyce Smith to head this committee. With the board’s approval, she will contact Joyce.
HOLIDAY DECORATING CONTEST: Katrina and Erin reported that they enjoyed touring the neighborhood with their children choosing winning homes. They posted many photos of decorated houses on the College Hill Facebook page.
CHILI FEED PREPARATION: Flyers are ready to distribute advertising the February 11 event. Several board members volunteered to pass out the flyers on their street and to work at the chili feed.
RECYCLING: Discussion was held on ways to increase participation. Flyers will be passed out with the chili feed flyers. A portable collection unit was also suggested.
NEWSLETTER: Erin asked for suggestions for newsletter articles and ideas brought out included Blossoms, the neighborhood cleanup, a list of numbers to call to get something done, reminders of what to do in your house and yard each season, and a column featuring neighborhood houses like had been done in the past.
OTHER ITEMS: Brendan told the group about a new city program called SeeClickFix, which can be used to report things in the city that need action. Brendan will see those reports and can follow up to be sure they are taken care of. Katrina asked Brendan to write a newsletter article about the program.
GARAGE SALE: The neighborhood garage sale will also be publicized in the newsletter. It was suggested that Cletus Linenburger be asked to organize the garage sale since he always participates in it.
HOUSE FLAGS: Katrina reported that she is working on getting more flags with the same design as the large ones on 17th Street. They will be non-fading and will include clips for hanging.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10.