CHNA Minutes – February 15, 2016
- 14 attendees including officer Wall and Friedrichs
- Crime report
- 3 automobile break-ins in January. All cars were unlocked.
- 2 license plates were stolen
- Safety Tip: Use at least one anti-theft screw or change at least one or two screws to a flat head or phillips head to make it more difficult to remove the license plate. Thieves don’t often carry multiple types of screw drivers.
- Discussion of Dillon’s closing and what the city and police department plan to do with the vacant space.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Chili feed Feedback: All feedback was positive and people enjoyed the new arrangement of tables.
- Nel Richmond passed away. She will be memorialized in the newsletter and a memorial will occur during the Fourth of July weekend.
- Newsletter: all submissions will be required by 2/24/16.
- College Hill Plaques: Degginger’s will be producing them at a cost of $45 each. The CHNA will not be selling to earn a profit due to the cost.
- Vote to make Erin Snethen president and Katrina Shaw Vice President was passed.