Westminster Presbyterian Church
March 19, 2018
PRESENT: Katrina Shaw (president), Tom Luellen (treasurer), Officer Hendricks, Delores Smith, Ardith Woertz, Susan Duffy, Gail Kennedy, Jenny & Jason Odermatt, Andy Fry, Erin Snethen, Carol Christensen, Karen Robertson (secretary).
Community Officer Update – Officer Hendricks distributed a report which showed that mail thefts are spiking and car burglaries are through the roof. He suggested that residents should put their house number where it can be seen from the alley to aid police and fire fighters. He also recommended that College Hill have a representative on Safe Streets.
Treasurer’s Report – Tom reported that since January 22, deposits totaled $4,093.15 and the current balance is $30,201.24. About 125 people attended the chili feed, which brought in $1,345.
Philicia McKee from Keep America Beautiful was the guest speaker at the meeting to acquaint members with the work the agency does. She distributed information about upcoming clean-up and recycling events. To volunteer to assist at any of the events, contact Philicia. She would also like to know of any local efforts, such as our College Hill clean-up day, as they count in the total of Keep America Beautiful achievements.
The College Hill clean-up will be April 21- no yard waste or tires will be accepted. A volunteer is needed to monitor what is being thrown in the dumpster. Other upcoming events are:
Easter Egg Hunt on March 31
Blossoms on April 28
National Night Out on August 11. The first planning meeting is April 18 and volunteers are needed to make it happen in College Hill. Ardith volunteered to head it up and will try to find several others to help. Safe Streets will help and provide some funds, and several local businesses usually donate food. Some discussion was held on what activities could be planned for this year’s event.
The newsletter will be delivered in late March or early April.
Kat reported on her research into new flags for homes that would match the banners on 17th. The flags would cost about $45 each and those at the meeting felt that not many would buy them at that price. It was suggested that we take orders instead of buying 50 and then trying to sell them.
Susan Duffy distributed information about the Topeka Metro Long Range Transit Plan and encouraged those present to take the survey.
Susan also would like CH to purchase 2 more costumes of signers of the Declaration of Independence to use in the 4th of July parade and members agreed to the purchase.