PRESENT: Katrina Shaw (president), Sue Fackler, Tom Luellen (treasurer), Andy Fry, Brendan Jensen, Ardith Woertz, Carol & John Christenson, Susan Duffy, David Banks, Karen Robertson (secretary), guests Bill Riphahn, Darrell Stewart and Craig Duke.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Tom presented a written report which showed a balance of $31,135.63 and net revenue of $394.10 from the October Homes Tour.
BOSWELL PARK REPORT: Bill Riphahn and Darrell Stewart from the parks department were present at the meeting to report on plans for our neighborhood park and to take suggestions from the residents on things they would like to see done at the park. Bill gave some history of the park and the improvements that have been made there. He related that most of the goals for the park in the county’s master plan have been completed. Discussion followed laying out a list of suggestions:
- Replace one of the baseball backstops that have disappeared
- Fix the disintegrating sidewalks on the west side and trim the trees hanging over the sidewalk
- Replace the trees that have died
- Lights around the perimeter of the park for safety. Ward Meade NIA has new solar LED street lights
- Tighten up the chain link fence that has gotten baggy in places
- Make sure the county knows how much College Hill loves its park and how much value it adds to the neighborhood
- Replace the grill that used to be on the east side
- Fitness equipment possible?
- Can the drinking fountain be repainted and maybe a dog watering station added?
- The picnic tables need to be ADA compliant
Bill clarified that the park is part of a 100-year swap between USD 501 and the city.
Craig Duke is the new Topeka fire chief and is making the rounds of the NIA meetings to introduce himself and speak about his goals and plans for the fire department. He is pushing the department to pursue accreditation from CPSE, which involves meeting national standards on training, public education, etc. He would like to have a representative from each neighborhood to get together to create a community plan. David Banks said he is a former education person for the fire department and urged Craig to have the department go into schools more. Duke also suggested that we could include fire safety tips regularly in our publications. He mentioned the Heart Safe program which educates about CPR and defibrillators.
CHILI FEED: Kat had a chart of possible chili feed dates which don’t compete with basketball games and the group selected February 3 as the first choice and February 10th as the second choice. Kat will check with the Methodist church to see if one of those dates works. A flyer publicizing the chili feed will be distributed and it was suggested that a separate notice about recycling be included. (After the meeting, it was determined that University UMC could not host the chili feed so arrangements were made to hold it at Westminster Presbyterian on February 10.)
RECYCLING: The next recycling date is December 9 and a notice will be sent out by email and social media.
HOLIDAY DECORATIONS CONTEST: Kat and Erin Snethen and their sons will drive around on December 20 to judge houses and take photos.
JANUARY MEETING: Carol suggested moving the January meeting from the 15th to the 22nd as the 15th is the Martin Luther King celebration and some will want to be involved in that. Kat will check with the church to see if it is possible to hold our meeting on the 22nd.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned.