Meeting Minutes – November 2018

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Round Table Agenda– November 19, 2018

Attendees: Adrianne Johnson, Andy Fry, Ardith Woertz, Carol Christensen, Christi Stewart, Dona Nordstrom, Erin Snethen, Oliver Snethen, Gail Kennedy, Jenny Odermatt, Sue Frackler, Tom Luellen

Speakers: Adrianne Meyer, Officer Friedrichs

  1. Community Officer Update – Officer Friedrichs provided general information on vehicle and home burglaries in the College Hill neighborhood.  He said several arrests have been made and some property has been recovered.  He also talked about Holiday Crime – packages being stolen from porches and increased parking lot crime on Wanamaker.  He suggests trying to time deliveries for a time when someone is home, having packages sent to work if possible, asking a neighbor to pick up packages, or asking the delivery service to hold the package for pick-up.  He left us with some overarching advise — Be aware and look out for each other – be good neighbors.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Tom Luellen provided September 17, 2018 thru November 19, 2018 report.  Total Deposits:  $172.00, Total Disbursements: $206.00, Balance: $31,955.68.
  3. Midland Care PACE – Adrianne Meyer, Community Liaison with Midland Care PACE provided an overview of the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).  PACE provides a variety of services to help persons 55 and over stay in their home.  Services include and are not limited to transportation, day services, meal preparation, physical therapy, home health.  Services may be subsidized or direct pay.  Program Contact Information: 1-800-491-3691 or
  4. Boswell Park Bricks – Tom Luellen has been approached by several people about adding to the personalized bricks in Boswell Park.  Question was asked if we want to have a Boswell Park Brick fund raiser.  Response was positive.  Tom will check with Lardner’s on cost to produce the bricks, etc…  Other logistics also need to be explored.  Talk of an additional fund raiser spurred discussion on ways to spend monies.  Projects that monies may be earmarked for were discussed briefly.  Projects and other items mentioned during the discussion included and were not limited to lighting in the park, other park improvements, forming a committee to do further brainstorming, bylaws and rules for spending money and asking the Parks Department for an update on Masterplan.   
  5. Chili Feed – Ardith Woertz talked about the date/month for the Chili Feed — January or February.  It was decided that February was the better month.  Ardith will explore church availability date options.  Discussion also included general need for volunteers with set-up and tear-down and fill-in during event specifically mentioned.  Rearranging placement of food items to alleviate power outages and utilize space differently, the need for more hotdogs and checking into Wi-Fi availability for payments were also discussed.  Suggestions on additional food and beverage items, etc. are welcome.  Having Celebrity Judges will be explored — Ardith and Adrianne Johnson will work on this.
  6. Recycling Drive — December 8th.  Carol Christensen talked about drive and benefits of advertising.  It was decided that social media and paper flyers would be used.  Flyers will also include information on other up and coming events.  Erin Snethen will prepare social media posting and the flyer.  Who will deliver the flyers was discussed.
  7. Holiday House Decorations – houses should be decorated by December 15th. Judging will occur on or after the 15th of December.
  8. Next Round Table Meeting: Moved to 4th Monday of January, January 28, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Gail L. Kennedy

Meeting Minutes – January 2019

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Round Table Agenda/Meeting Minutes– January 28, 2019

Attendees: Ardith Woertz, Gail Kennedy, Tom Luellen, Christi Stewart, Leila Uhl, Andy Fry, Adrianne Johnson, Carol Christensen, John Christenson, Philicia McKee, Erin Snethen, Jenny Odermatt, Dona Nordstrom, Susan Duffy

Speakers: Philicia McKee of Keep America Beautiful and Officer Hendricks and Watch Commander Simmons of the Topeka Police Department

  1. Community Officer Update – Officer Friedrichs provided general information on crime stats in the College Hill neighborhood and he reviewed year-end Topeka stats.  He advised all to lock cars and rolls up windows. There was a request for longitudinal crim stats that will be checked into by Officer Henricks.  General invite to share information with friends and family that may be interested in a career in law enforcement or dispatch to contact the Topeka Police department. (See attached Handouts)
  2. Keep America Beautiful – Philicia McKee, Keep America Beautiful, Executive Director, Keep America Beautiful—Topeka/Shawnee County… provided handouts and an overview of the 2019 Tentative KAB Calendar and she highlighted two scheduled activities/events:  the Free Battery Exchange and Get Down and Get Dirty.  Handouts are attached.  Ms. McKee also distributed copies of the 2019 Recycling Directory — copies may be obtained online at Ms. McKee may be contacted by email at or by phone at 785.224.0446 (office) or 785.290.1105 (cell).

There was also discussion about the College Hill Recycling – lower intake and participation is down.  Proposal was made to reduce pick-up to three (3) times per year – March, July and November.  There was also discussion to reduce the type of items to be picked up and that items should be clean and safe — aluminum cans, bronze, and copper were identified.

An article and more information will be including in the newsletter.

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Tom Luellen provided November 11, 2018 thru January 28, 2019.  Total Deposits:  $83.00, Total Disbursements: $120.00, Balance: $31,918.98.  (See attachment for details).
  2. Chili Feed – Date is February 16, 2019, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  Location:  Westminster Presbyterian, 13th and Boswell.  Volunteers are needed as are donation. Various people volunteered time and donations. Discussed celebrity judges and advertising.
  3. Park Project — suggestions, should a sub-committee be appointed? – There was open discussion. No sub-committee was formally formed. Relationship to Brick Project was included in discussion.
  4. Update on Boswell Park Bricks – A meeting with City Park’s department is planned to explore possibilities.  Pricing from 2 companies for a 4×8 brick was discussed — Hutton’s $35.00; Lardner’s – $17.75.  Details of each offering will need to be confirmed as project progresses.
  5. Neighborhood Survey from Freedom Now USA – survey was focused on Human Trafficking.  Dues to due date, Ardith completed the survey
  6. Next Round Table Meeting: March 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

Additional Agenda Item: Welcome Baskets – Two (2) have recently been delivered.

Handouts – TPD College Hill Crime Stats, Keep America Beautiful Handouts, Treasurer’s Report, Free Income Tax Assistance Sites (See Attachments)

Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Gail L. Kennedy

Meeting Minutes – July 2018

College Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting

7:00 p.m. July 16, 2018

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Present: Katrina Shaw (President), Ardith Woertz (Vice-President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Gail Kennedy, Adrianne Johnson, Andy Fry, John E. Christensen, Susan Duffy, John Bowes, Dona Nordstrom, Zach Snethen, Theo Alford-Shaw, and Officer Hendricks.

Community Officer’s Update: The Crime Statistics Report was not available.  HOT TOPIC – car burglaries.  Nothing significant – foot traffic still an issue.  If missing something, calling pawn shops can be a useful resource.  Make sure you write down serial numbers on large ticket items, including bicycles, guns, etc.

Property Maintenance Compliance: Anything on the “lot” with the exception of vehicles that may be operable and are tagged come under the review of this unit.  Housing violations include inside and outside the home.  Most exterior issues involve paint, weeds (yard with vegetation over 1 foot high), and broken windows.  General junk on open porch (i.e. appliances, boxes of stuff, scrap wood) can be sited.  Homeowners are provided ten (10) days to comply after signing for the letter from the City.

Squatters are a real issue in our neighborhood.  Suggestion made that we contact all the City Council members to support the code compliance unit with more funds.

Treasurers Report: Tom Luellen reported a balance of $32,000; spent $600 on 4th of July event(s)l; and just received $1,300 in invoices.

Grant Update(s): Will be reimbursed $1,200 from the City of Topeka for the Barricades Grant – barricades cost $980.

Monuments on 17th – unveiling in planning with Margarita’s Jalisco.

July 4th Recap: THS ROTC not interested in coming.  Shawnee Heights High School came and performed.  Motion for donation to Shawnee Heights High School of $50 passed.  Susan Duffy and Tom Luellen seconded.

Recycling: John Christensen reported that after July 4th made $111.34.

NNO: Our NNO for College Hill will be jointly sponsored with the Topeka Community Cycle Project.  “Sandlot” will be showing at Boswell Park on August 11th.  Event starts at 6:00 p.m.  Movie will be shown after dark.

Annual Meeting: September 17, 2018.  (a) Elections to be held; and (b) Peggy Oster with the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging will be the guest speaker.

Neighborhood Improvement Association: A portion of College Hill – East side of College Ave. to Washburn is being brought to our attention for further discussion with the City Planning Department.

The next meeting will be on the third Monday in September at 7:00 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Meeting Minutes – May 2018

College Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting

7:00 PM May 21, 2018

Westminster Presbyterian Church

PRESENT: Katrina Shaw (President), Ardith Woertz (Vice-President), Tom Luellen (Treasurer), Regina Castle, Gail Kennedy, Adrianne Johnson, Jenny Odermatt, Erin Snethen, Officers Hendricks and Wall.

COMMUNITY OFFICER REPORT: Officers Hendricks and Wall updated as to the current crime statistics reflecting an increase in crime in the area of 15th and Boswell – 4 plex, some issues and calls on disturbances, more activity than normal, especially 15th street (burglaries to unlocked car on Plass; vehicle and residence burglaries on Garfield; attempted burglary with damage to both doors on Washburn; and possible abandoned vehicle on 15th street).

TREASURERS REPORT: Tome Luellen reported $2,600.00 earned at the Blossoms event, which is roughly $800 more than last year and the most ever earned.

NNO: Will be held August 11th at 6:00 PM in Boswell Park.  Ardith Woertz reported community members Gail Kennedy and Sarah Peterson-Herr were recruited for the committee.  The College Hill committee will meet after the last NNO orientation meeting in July.

FOURTH OF JULY: Grants application completed for barricades to help deter costs.  Volunteer hours valued at $20 per hour.  July 3rd and July 4th – Stars & Stripes Festival.  July 3rd band cost is $400.

COLLEGE HILL GARAGE SALE: May 31st through June 3rd.  Same weekend as the Mulvane Art Fair.  Stadium Movie will be June 2nd at Washburn University.  Admission will be a canned food item for donation.


WELCOME BASKETS: Update: 1516 Plass, 1404 Plass, & 1607 College baskets were delivered.  New neighbors at 15th & Boswell.  Thank you to Jenny Odermatt for all of your hard work.

BOARD ELECTIONS: Will occur at the September annual meeting.  Katrina will be unable to attend because of her Washburn class. 

The Secretary and Vice-President positions are open.

Guest Speaker will be Peggy with the Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging

JULY MEETING: The next meeting will be on the third Monday, July 16th at 7:00 PM

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Meeting Minutes – March 2018


Westminster Presbyterian Church

March 19, 2018

PRESENT: Katrina Shaw (president), Tom Luellen (treasurer), Officer Hendricks, Delores Smith, Ardith Woertz, Susan Duffy, Gail Kennedy, Jenny & Jason Odermatt, Andy Fry, Erin Snethen, Carol Christensen, Karen Robertson (secretary).

Community Officer Update – Officer Hendricks distributed a report which showed that mail thefts are spiking and car burglaries are through the roof. He suggested that residents should put their house number where it can be seen from the alley to aid police and fire fighters. He also recommended that College Hill have a representative on Safe Streets.

Treasurer’s Report – Tom reported that since January 22, deposits totaled $4,093.15 and the current balance is $30,201.24. About 125 people attended the chili feed, which brought in $1,345.

Philicia McKee from Keep America Beautiful was the guest speaker at the meeting to acquaint members with the work the agency does. She distributed information about upcoming clean-up and recycling events. To volunteer to assist at any of the events, contact Philicia. She would also like to know of any local efforts, such as our College Hill clean-up day, as they count in the total of Keep America Beautiful achievements.

The College Hill clean-up will be April 21- no yard waste or tires will be accepted. A volunteer is needed to monitor what is being thrown in the dumpster. Other upcoming events are:

Easter Egg Hunt on March 31

Blossoms on April 28

National Night Out on August 11. The first planning meeting is April 18 and volunteers are needed to make it happen in College Hill. Ardith volunteered to head it up and will try to find several others to help. Safe Streets will help and provide some funds, and several local businesses usually donate food. Some discussion was held on what activities could be planned for this year’s event.

The newsletter will be delivered in late March or early April.

Kat reported on her research into new flags for homes that would match the banners on 17th. The flags would cost about $45 each and those at the meeting felt that not many would buy them at that price. It was suggested that we take orders instead of buying 50 and then trying to sell them.

Susan Duffy distributed information about the Topeka Metro Long Range Transit Plan and encouraged those present to take the survey.

Susan also would like CH to purchase 2 more costumes of signers of the Declaration of Independence to use in the 4th of July parade and members agreed to the purchase.

Meeting Minutes – January 2018

Update by our neighborhood liaison TPD officer – our neighborhood has had an increase in car break-ins. There have been individuals roaming the neighborhood. Home break-ins are also on the rise. Additional precautions should be taken to lock your vehicles & your homes as well, along with leaving your lights on around your house. Removes items from view in your vehicles.

Treasurer’s report was approved.

The monument stones for College Hill will soon be installed.  Grant money helped with the costs. These will be placed on 17th Street between Washburn & MacVicar in the median.

Updates on the chili feed were given.
Volunteers to help during the event are still needed.  New banners are needed as the chili feed is being held at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

The Welcome Basket committee has been busy making baked goodies & delivering baskets. Ideas were exchanged on how to get information about new arrivals.

The Blossoms committee is looking for a new vendor for flowers & needing additional silent auction items.

The next recycling drive is set for March 10th.

Next round table meeting is Monday, March 19, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m.