College Hill Neighborhood Association
Minutes– Monday, May 15, 2023
Attendance: Christi Stewart (President), Debbie Pomeroy (Treasurer), Carol Christensen (Vice President), Jasmine Puderbaugh (Secretary), Annie Buckland, Gail Kennedy, Sue Fackler, Charles Bates, Bryan Stricklin, Erin Snethen, Andy Fry (and Ava and Anna Fry)
- Christi Stewart called the meeting to order at 7:03pm
- Minutes from the March 20, 2023 meeting
- Annie moved to approve the minutes, Gail seconded, motion passed
- Officer Stricklin report
- 3 incidents since 4/15- 1 aggravated assault, 1 burglary from motor vehicle, 1 theft
- Call 785-861-0197 if you want to talk to Officer Stricklin
- Email if you want police eyes on an issue
- Treasurer’s Report
- Began with $9,696.90 and ended with $12,376.41
- Grant fund itemizing will continue to be part of treasurer’s report until grant fund balance is depleted.
- Blossoms Report: revenue of $2,493.47
- Jasmine moved to approve the treasurer’s report and Erin seconded, motion passed
- Recycling drive – update by Carol Christensen
- April 1 date brought in $261
- $24 brought in during neighborhood cleanup
- Next collection is July 15
- Fourth of July – appoint chairman, discuss need for volunteers to help move barricades and at the event, gazebo grand opening
- Maria Carr, Raylynn Schmidt, and Tricia Waggoner are joint chairs
- Barricades: still need to rent some barricades, need volunteers to move, waiting to hear back on Topeka Community Foundation grant application for more barricades
- Need volunteers to man the barricades
- Request Washburn President participate as grand marshal (Erin will ask)
- Westminster Presbyterian Church would like to set up games in the park (frisbee golf, corn hole)
- Promote that we’re back to the traditional full route- need floats and participants to participate in the parade
- Prizes for float- Jasmine will judge, ask Laura Burton to make buttons
- Gazebo dedication will happen before prizes/ awards announced
- Old Business – Boswell Park update
- Improvements yet to be made: adding barriers to gazebo, moving bricks
- New Business – National Night Out plans, new officers for 2024
- National Night Out is Saturday, Aug. 5
- Westminster Presbyterian Church will be hosting Christmas in July on July 30- program of Christmas music
- Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm
Our next meeting is 7 p.m., Monday, July 17, 2023 at Westminster Church
Mark your calendars –
Saturday Recycling dates are July 15, September 9 and December 9
College Hill Garage Sale – June 8, 9, 10
National Night Out – August 5